The Deep Space project started in 2004 and was first to be seen in a video made by Andy Wardley, the Deep Space was still in development at that time and carried the name “C-Class” Some people liked to call it the Unicorn but that name didn’t stick!

In 2005 the “C-Class” was ready for production and got his new name; Deep Space. The name Deep Space isn’t any random name. If you look at previous kites made by Tim like the Outer Space and Innerspace you can understand the name Deep Space.

During Bristol 2005 the Bensontwins and many others had there first flight with the Deep Space, Tim arrived at Bristol on Saturday morning with his camper van filled with Deep Space’s and within no time Bristol was filled with Deep Space’s in the sky.

After flying the Gemini for many years is was surprisingly easy to adapt to the Deep Space. Inputs are a bit more aggressive and shorter but still a very “Benson” feeling to it. After 60 minutes it was like flying the Gemini but with more precision and better control. The almost straight leading edges are a mayor help with spikes and tipstands compared to the Gemini.

If you are lucky enough to own a copy of the “Tricks or Treat” DVD the footage of Lars with the Deep Space is shot in the week after Bristol. Pointing out that the Deep Space is very easy to adapt to or Lars being a excellent pilot :-)

Video tip: Beachfreestyle

The Phantom AKA P.E.U.L (Phantom Elite Ultra Light) is another legend (‘89) from the Benson kite company. The Bensontwins discovered the fun of having a Phantom in there bag in 2005, the Phantom is a full size old school elegant floater. When the wind drops and everything is falling out of the sky the Phantom comes alive. The Phantom only needs a little breeze to give you some tension in your lines. In that little breeze you can do stunning 540’s, axle’s, slot & multislot, sliders and many other floaty tricks. But the Phantom haves it limits, it does perfect stable fades but backspins are a no go. But who need backspins when you can do extreme slow slotmachines and 540’s. When a rookie pilot wants to learn a slotmachine the Phantom is the perfect kite to show the setup and timing.

Video tip: Phantomland


The Gemini is a real legend! It haves been on the market since 1999 and is still a must have! The bensontwins have been using the Gemini straight from the beginning and we are still flying it regular.

After one year of flying the Gemini we start making some adjustments to the Gemini, we started with a very small adjustment but it had great impact on backflip tricks. What we did was shorten the lines that connects the trickline to the standoff to 7 cm. By doing this the Gemini went deeper in the backflip and it became eassier to rollup because of the better pitching we also added yoyostoppers and some weight in the tail.

In 2003 the UL Gemini was presented, the UL Gemini had a different bridle compared to the STD Gemini. The new bridle of the UL didn’t have the crossing lines any more, this made the bridle last a lot longer. The decision to transfer the UL bridle to the STD Gemini was made very quickly, and with some small adjustments it worked very well! In 2005 the Gemini had some factory updates, after some fine tuning by ABW and Tim, the new bridle, yoyo stoppers and the trickline adjustment are now factory setup. And the lowerspreader is changed to a 3 piece, this is a very good update because the standoff connectors are now fixed on the lowerspreader so they don’t slide off any more while doing multi lazy’s. With all these updates the Gemini started his second live and it’s still very alive among freestyle pilots!

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